2019 Graduates from Biophysics with the DGS

Two exams are required by the Graduate School as benchmarks toward the Ph.D. Information about the Graduate School requirements and guidelines for these exams, please see the Exams section of the Graduate School site.

A-Exam: Admission To Candidacy Examination

To qualify as a Ph.D. candidate, each graduate student must pass the Admission to Candidacy, or “A exam.”  This exam has both written and oral components.

The A exam should be taken by the end of the second year if possible, but no later than the beginning of your seventh semester of registration.  Not having obtained sufficient data is not an acceptable reason for delaying the A exam.  You should consult with your committee about an acceptable date/time and reserve a room.  The completed Schedule of Exam form for the A-exam must be filed with the Graduate School at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the exam. This on-line form is available on the Graduate School web site at https://gradschool.cornell.edu/forms/.   It must be signed by all of the members of the Special Committee, the Director of Graduate Studies, and one of the GFAs. You should give a copy of the written proposal for your exam to each member of the examination committee at least a week before the oral exam.

Course requirements for the major (including BioMG 7510 “Ethical Issues”), and all or most for the minor, should be finished by the time of the A exam.  Occasionally, the student and the Special Committee may feel an additional course is useful or important after the A exam and this may be recommended or required by the Special Committee.

Your examiners for the A exam are your Special Committee and one other member of the Cornell University faculty that you choose. (This person is usually, but not necessarily, from the Field of Biophysics).  This fourth member should add breadth to the committee and have expertise closely aligned with the topic of your proposal.  They will read your proposal and participate in your A-exam, however, they should not sign the Schedule or Results of Exam forms as they are not a permanent member of your committee.

You should have your entire official committee sign the Results form before they leave the exam room. After obtaining your committee and the DGS’s signature, take the form to the GFAs for their signature and transmission of the form to the Graduate School. This form must be filed within three (3) business days of the date of the exam.

Note:  In accordance with the Code of Legislation of the Graduate Faculty, your A-exam is announced to – Field faculty. Please do not be concerned; Field faculty outside your Special Committee, although free to attend by Graduate School rules, rarely, if ever do.

B Exam: Thesis Defense

The B-exam is the thesis defense. The completed dissertation should be submitted to the committee at least 1 week before the examination. The exam will begin with a public seminar describing the thesis research. This will be followed by a closed oral examination covering the dissertation.

As with the A-exam, a Schedule of Exam form needs to be filled out and signed by your committee and the DGS and then submitted to GFAs for transmission to the Graduate School at least 7 days before the examination date. You are also required to provide the title and abstract for your dissertation and the list of your publications to the GFAs for the announcement of your exam.

The completed Results of Exam form must be submitted within three (3) days of your exam.

Both of these forms are found on the Graduate School Forms page.

A section of the Graduate School website (http://gradschool.cornell.edu/thesis-dissertation) is dedicated to information about the dissertation process, including the Thesis and Dissertation Guide.  You are highly encouraged to follow the process it lays out in planning submission of your thesis and graduation.

The Graduate School Office of Academic & Student Affairs (http://gradschool.cornell.edu/academics/office-academic-and-student-affairs) also coordinates a number of workshops to assist you with thesis writing.

Your thesis may be organized either as a single work (traditional thesis) or as a series of relatively independent chapters (independent chapter thesis).  In the latter case, there may be a unified introduction and bibliography or separate introductions and bibliographies.  There may be a unified summary, or the two-page abstract (required of all theses) can serve as a summary statement for all chapters.  Some examples of thesis formats are shown below.

Traditional Thesis Independent Chapter Thesis
Literature Review

Materials & Methods




Literature Cited


Chapter 1:  General Introduction and Literature Review

Chapter 2:


Materials and Methods



Literature Cited

Chapter 3: (as above)

Final Chapter including

General Discussion,

Speculations and



The independent chapter option allows you to prepare your thesis as a series of papers in a format ready for publication, and chapters can be published before the thesis defense.  The work in your thesis must be primarily, if not entirely, your own.  If your published work includes co-author(s), you may cite the work of your co-author(s) in your thesis with appropriate acknowledgment, but you should not include the data of your co-author(s) in your thesis.  An exception could be if data from a co-author are needed for clarity.  In that case, the legend to the figure should explain this.  You should acknowledge in the publication that the research is part of a thesis, and the Graduate School requires written permission from the publisher to include it in your thesis.

Full collections of dissertations are maintained in Mann Library.  There is also a collection of theses of graduates in the Fields of Genetics, Genomics and Development and Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology in the Keller Reading Room, Biotechnology Building, Room G09.  You can view these by asking someone in the MBG Department Office (107 Biotech) to let you into this room.  Please ask to be let into that room.  NOTE:  Materials are NEVER to be removed from this room.